

If you want a useful reference manual, this has been recommended:


If you’re having trouble progressing, or simply want to improve on where you are, you’re welcome to ask club coaches or senior archers for advice.

There are a number of awards available to archers to help you record your progress.  The available schemes are summarised below.  As you shoot qualifying scores, let the records officer for the club know the following:

  • Date of the shoot
  • The round (e.g Long National) or 252 Distance (e.g. 20 yards)
  • Bow type (Recurve, Barebow, Compound or Longbow)
  • The venue (e.g Court Fields)
  • Total Score (e.g. 256)
  • Total Hits (e.g. 36/36)
  • Total Golds Hit (e.g. 9)

The photo above is Paul’s hat, proudly displaying various 252 badges (achieved using different bow types) and a Portsmouth and Frostbite badge.

The 252 Scheme

The 252 scheme consists of shooting 3 dozen arrows at increasing distances with 5 zone scoring.  When a score of 252 or more is achieved three times, a badge is awarded displaying the distance and the legend 252.  The badges are available at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 80 and 100 yard distances.

All bow types can shoot for a 252 badge, although the scores are slightly different for each bow type, as found in the table below.

Distance (yards) Recurve score Compound score Longbow score Barebow score
20 252 280 164 189
30 252 280 164 189
40 252 280 164 189
50 252 280 164 189
60 252 280 164 189
80 252 280 126 164
100 252 280 101 139

Outdoor Classifications

The Archery GB Classification Scheme awards badges to archers signifying their current shooting standard.  To qualify for a particular outdoor classification.  The classifications are:

  • 3rd Class, 2nd Class, 1st Class Archer
  • 3rd Class, 2nd Class, 1st Class Bowman
  • Master, Grand Master and Elite Master Bowman

There are different scoring thresholds for over 50 year olds, 21 to 50 year olds, under 21’s, under 16’s, under 15’s, under 14’s and under 12’s and by bow type (barebow, longbow, compound and recurve.

To find the scoring threshold required, you can download tables from Archery GB.

Frostbite Badges

During the Winter months at our outdoor range, we generally shoot a Frostbite round.  The Frostbite round consists of 3 dozen (36) arrows at 30m shooting on an 80cm target face. You may shoot 6 arrows for sighters.

The Frostbite badges range from 200 to 355. The badge numbers are 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 315, 330, 340, 350, 355.  When you score over 200 for the first time, you will receive a 200 badge.  If you then score 225 the week after, you can then request a 225 badge.  You only need to achieve the score once to request the badge (and you can’t claim the same badge twice).

Portsmouth Badges

During the Winter months at our indoor ranges, we generally shoot at 20 yards.  At this distance, you can shoot for Portsmouth round consisting of 5 dozen (60) arrows using a ten zone scoring system.  The Portsmouth badge numbers are 300, 325, 350, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 525, 550, 575, 580, 585, 590, 595, 600.  When you score above each threshold, you and request a badge

You only need to achieve this score once in order to request the appropriate Portsmouth badge (and you can’t claim the same badge twice).