Halloween Fun Shoot
A massive thank you to Paul Walters for organising another fun shoot for the club. Albeit slightly delayed, the theme was a seasonal Hallowe’en shoot, with apple bobbing, pin the tail on the cat, bats and witches all present on the target faces. We have included a gallery from the event below.
We must also thank Martin’s wife for our shortbread medals, and Rachel for the archery themed fruit cake! And thank you to those in charge of the weather, a fine day for flinging sticks.
Congratulations to the top 3 archers who all received prizes that they are now obliged to display in their homes until next year! Complete results below…
- Gerald
- Martin
- Paul W
- Jeremy
- Ron
- John F
- Liz
- Eowyn
- Darren
- Tina
- Quinten
- John M